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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pickled Beets, The Easy Way

I like a good pickled beet, but I don't always like the way others pickle them.
Beets have a deep earthy flavor that I feel like a lot of recipes try to mask with sugars and sweeteners or heavy spices. You really don't want to over power the beet flavor, which I think most recipes try to do.

If you want to go the full blown pickled beet method, look HERE. I don't actually pickle mine in the sense of canning, because I eat them quickly enough to not need to go that far.

This is my recipe:
3 medium beets
4 cloves of garlic, minced
1/4 cup onion, minced
1/2 tbs. oregano
1 1/2 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. pepper
1 tbs. sugar
1/2 cup oil (olive oil is too heavy for beets, I like a lighter flavored oil)
                                                                1 cup distilled white vinegar

Cut the stalks off of the fresh beets and peel them. You may want to wear gloves to handle them or walk around for the next two days with pink fingers! Slice the beets evenly.
Mix the herbs and dry ingredients, including onion and garlic.
Stack your beets inside of a jar, sprinkling in the herbs between every few beet slices.
Mix the vinegar and oil and pour it over your beets. Refrigerate overnight before eating, the beets will keep for a couple of weeks.

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