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Friday, October 12, 2012

20 Uses For Pomegranate Seeds

Not only are these seeds delicious, they are beautiful and healthy (full of cancer fighting anti-oxidants!) I can easily see why pomegranates have earned the title "Food of the Gods."

Interestingly, you do not eat the fruit of a pomegranate. It's not very appetizing, anyway. It's yellow or white, spongy and membran-y. Kinda like the stuff you pull out of cream puffs after you bake them. Eggy. Yech!

But the seeds are honestly, delectable! They are crunchy on the outside and when you bite into them they are filled with a tart/sweet juice. If I can ever find a variety hardy enough for my zone, you can bet I'll be getting myself a pomegranate tree!

Before you can do anything with them, you must learn how to seed a pomegranate without making a mess!

Here are 20 uses for pomegranate seeds:

1 - Munching. They are oddly addictive, the crunch and gush, I can eat them by the fist fulls - like little nature-candies!

2 - Toss them into a salad.

3 - Put them on your cornflakes.

4 - Juice them: 
  1. Seed pomegranate(s)
  2. Put seeds in a re-sealable plastic bag
  3. Use a rolling pin or bottom of a small frying pan to crush seeds and release juice
  4. Cut off a small bit of on of the bottom corners of the bag
  5. Strain out juice into a glass or other container

5 - Make clear lollipops and drop in the seeds before the lolli's set.

6 - Eat them in yogurt.

7 - Put them in melted white chocolate, break into bars after it cools.

8 - Put them in baggies, tie with a red ribbon and give them as favors at your fall parties.

9 - Put them in a festive bowl and serve them at your fall parties.

10 - Add them to dried fruit.

11 - Put them on top of cakes.

12 - Use their juice to make a syrup.

13 - Use them in a centerpiece.

14 - Serve them with candied dates and figs.

15 - Garnish a roast.

16 - Make pomegranate ice cream.

17 - Bake them in a tart with apples and pears.

18 - Put them in the bottom of champagne flutes for a bit of color.

19 - Use pomegranate syrup in frosting atop white cupcakes. Garnish with fresh seeds.

20 - Use syrup and seeds to top a cheesecake.

Add  your ideas in the comments box!

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