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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Glitter Kitty Ornament or Embellishment

Karlie made her glitter kitty as a tree ornament. It occurs to me that it would be great as a greeting card, a scrapbooking piece, or any sort of embellishment.

This is a very kid friendly craft, though a bit on the messy side. We will have glitter coming out of the cracks of our house for weeks to come.

First: Here is the pattern. Click on the thumbnail to see the actual size, save it to your computer and print it out. You can adjust the size to whatever you like.

Pattern (on the right)
Mat board or other sturdy cardboard
School Glue
Old paint brush
Glitter in assorted colors
Ribbon or yarn for hanging (if desired).

I cut the pieces of the pattern out using mat board. It's kind of a specialized product, but any sturdy cardboard or card stock will work. You want it thick enough that you won't have too much buckling due to the dampness of the glue, and white is optimal though not completely necessary.

I helped Karlie carefully paint a thin coat of glue onto the cardboard, and she sprinkled glitter all over the top of it.

I laughed when I looked at this picture after the fact. We had three different projects we had going at once - my sewing project, Karlie's ornament and the spray adhesive was being used to mend a coat. Yeah... no ADHD, really.

Oh, and the cat. The cats are always on the table lol.

We don't do many glitter projects, and I'm trying to work out why the manufacturers of the glitter put the product into tall skinny tubes that tip over easily.
After we glittered all of our pieces, we set them to dry for a little while, as we finished up our other projects and ate our lunch.

We came back to it and glued the pieces into place.

I used some wire to make the whiskers and glued them into place behind the snout. I really piled the glue up around the snout to hold the whiskers and left it to dry for several hours.

Once it was finished, we poked a hole in the top and hung it on the tree.

1 comment:

  1. I have to make this with Ruth, she will love it. This is a perfect project for a glittering box. Take something like an old butter tub (or something bigger for bigger projects), put your glitter in it. Then put your glue covered object inside, cover with the lid and shake. Take the object out to dry, put the lid back on to store. Greatly reduces the mess factor. When you are down to not enough of some colors to be useful combine for multi-colored giltter!
