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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What I Do

I have not been promoting my business on this blog! How silly of me! So what do I do when I am not blogging? That is, besides being a mama, wife, and all of the crazy stuff? Or my bazillion crafts and hobbies?

I am, by trade, an artist. There are so many varieties of artists, so let me be more specific. I am a fine artist. That makes me sound hawt, doesn't it? I'm afraid it's not that glamorous. Most days when I work you will find me scurrying about with smears of paint up my arms and on my face, with pencils and paint brushes sticking out of my hair, and smelling like turpentine.

I have had many little side tracks over my years and gotten pulled in many different directions, career-wise. I wrote a novel once, but scrapped it when I couldn't take criticism. I've published many poems, started a sewing business (I made baby carriers and purses). I learned to make formal wear, thinking that could be a money maker. I've written cookbooks, learned to make jewelry (I still have the desire to create a jewelry company using ONLY naturally found items and hand-made beads that I find in the wilderness). I bought tattoo equipment and learned to tattoo, I even made a bit of money off of that. I learned to knit and I toyed with the idea of knitting hobby-horses and plush toys to sell publicly. ADD often has it's way with me.

I always come back to painting and art. I was five years old (to the day) when I decided I was going to be an artist when I grew up, and paint pictures for people to love and appreciate. That idea is so deep and integral to my inner person that despite the many other "me's" I become, I never stop being an artist and I will never give up painting even when I take breaks.

This past month and a half where I've posted in this blog nearly every day has been fantastic. But it's time for me to get back to work, back to my craft, back to my truest me. I will stop being so stingy about keeping that self off of this blog. And I will of course still blog regularly, just not daily like I was. So if you haven't seen it yet, take a peak and see what I do. I promise not to neglect this place, I do have some good stuff lined up!

In the meantime, take a look around at my other blog! Visit: Destany Fenton Fine Art and Portraiture

"Swinging High"  ©Destany Fenton 2012, all rights reserved.

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