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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Caramel Apple Cinnamon Rolls

1 cup hot (not scalding water)
1/4 c granulated sugar
1 packet active dry yeast
1/2 cup shortening
1 tsp salt
3 to 5 cups flour

Mix the water, sugar and yeast in a large mixing bowl and allow it to sit for 20 minutes until foamy. Add shortening and salt, beat for one minute. Fold in 3 cups of flour and begin to knead. Add flour one half cup at a time, when the dough becomes sticky. Use as little flour as you can. Too much flour makes bead heavy.
Knead for ten minutes. Too little kneading will result in coarse bread.

Allow to rise for 45 minutes in a warm place until double.

4 apples, peeled and cubed
1 tsp. Lemon juice
2 tbs. Butter
1 tsp. Salt
1 cup sugar
2 tbs. Cinnamon

Boil the apples with lemon juice and salt. Strain and mash with a fork, leaving it a little chunky. Stir in butter.
Punch down bread dough and roll out to 1/2 inch thick rectangle.
Spread evenly with apple sauce and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Roll up and cut into eight slices.
Grease a cookie sheet and place the cinnamon rolls with sides touching. Let rise for 30 minutes in a warm place.

Preheat your oven to 375F and bake rolls for 20 to 22 minutes.

Two cups of brown sugar
1 cup whole milk or half and half.
1/2 tsp. Salt
2 cups walnuts

Bring brown sugar, milk and salt to a boil I'm a medium saucepan stirring occasionally. Cook for 5 minutes. Spoon quickly over cinnamon rolls and top with walnuts before the caramel sets.

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